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Full front view of the library
We have a meeting room that can be reserved. Learn more.
Looking to improve your skills with computers, software, or technology?
Looking to improve your skills with computers, software, or technology?
Borrow a wi-fi hotstpot for up to two weeks

Annual Fall Book Sale

Our annual fall book sale will start a week early this year due to the overwhelming amount of donations we have received this year! We will start on September 10, 2018 and finish around September 22nd, or when we run out!! You choose the price you pay, as this is all for donations to help fund library services and programs. 

BARKer Farms Petting Zoo Coming!

BARKer Farms will be coming to Manpower Park with several animals for residents of all ages to meet and enjoy!!  This is a Jackson City Library event but will be held at Manpower Park in an effort to have a more enjoyable experience for the animals and visitors. 

This event will take place from 4-6 pm on Friday, October 19, 2018.

Animals included:


Fainting Goat

Nubian Goat

Dwarf Goat

Zebu mini cow



Patagonian Cavy


Playaway Launchpads available for checkout

Pre-loaded with content for kids, teens, and adults, designed with a simple, easy-to-use interface, and 100% secure, Launchpad tablets are made to be passed from one set of hands to the next.

No download time. No need for Wi-Fi. Access to powerful content is simple as turning on each device — anytime, anywhere.

These can be checked out for 2 weeks at a time on any ADULT library card. Photo ID required. 

Sharon Hatfield Enchanted Ground

In a fascinating work of religious history and cultural inquiry, Hatfield brings to life the true story of a nineteenth-century farmer-spiritualist, Jonathan Koons, whom thousands traveled to Ohio to see. As heirs to the second Great Awakening, he and his followers were part of a larger, uniquely American moment that still marks the culture today.


Mitten Tree

Fine Free December is coming up! Throughout the month of December, fines will be waived on items returned late. Also, if you have existing fines, you can donate to our mitten tree and the fines will be taken off your account. This does not apply to lost items, though. Accepted items are mittens, hats, socks, scarves, canned goods, non perishable foods, etc.